Concepts of Faith is on VICTORY Tuesdays at 7:00am (Central) -- TCT Tuesdays at 10:30am (Central) -- Daystar at 10:00am (Central) Thursdays

Monthly Teachings

Bringing Anxiety Captive

Bringing Anxiety Captive

Webster defines anxiety as “a state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what may happen; concerned about a possible future event.”
  • Annette Capps
Light Shines Out of Darkness

Light Shines Out of Darkness

As we approach the end of the age, we as believers are coming closer to the Kingdom of Light and our light will become brighter. But the world is coming closer to the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, their darkness will become darker. For the scriptures reveal that the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.
  • Charles Capps
The Power of the Spoken Word

The Power of the Spoken Word

Most people don’t understand the power of words. Do you realize that the things you are speaking out of your mouth are setting the cornerstone of your life? Some words deceive. Some words transmit faith. Think about it. The words you speak can transmit faith or fear. So when we are talking about your spoken words, we are talking about things that are powerful enough to change lives for the better or worse.
  • Charles Capps
Grace Through Faith

Grace Through Faith

One of the keys to understanding the truths of the New Covenant is having a revelation of the gift of grace. The apostle Paul gives us clear insight in this matter in Romans, Chapters 4-6. Romans 4:13 NIV says, “It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.” 
  • Charles Capps