Monthly Teachings

Grace Through Faith
One of the keys to understanding the truths of the New Covenant is having a revelation of the gift of grace. The apostle Paul gives us clear insight in this matter in Romans, Chapters 4-6. Romans 4:13 NIV says, “It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.”- Charles Capps

The Wisdom of Love
It would be difficult to deny the importance of love in the Christian walk. We talk about love and we can rejoice in the love of God that motivated God to send His only Son to redeem us from the powers of darkness, save us from sin and heal us from sickness. And, according to Jesus, the world will know we follow Christ by our love. It is love that draws people to repent. It is love that is missing in their lives, not theology and doctrine.- Annette Capps