Concepts of Faith is on VICTORY Tuesdays at 7:00am (Central) -- TCT Tuesdays at 10:30am (Central) -- Daystar at 10:00am (Central) Thursdays

Letters from Annette

September 2021 Partner Letter

September 2021 Partner Letter

I will never forget when the Lord spoke to me very directly many years ago about something that took place in my life. I was frustrated and felt like I had failed. I had failed the Lord and failed to attain the lofty goals I had set for myself.
  • Annette Capps
August 2021 Partner Letter

August 2021 Partner Letter

When most people think of a Biblical “shield of faith,” they picture the shield from Roman times which is what the Apostle Paul would have been thinking of when he admonished the church at Ephesus to put on the whole armor of God. The shield, sword, and helmet of Ephesians 6:10-18 are indicating a march into battle. 
  • Annette Capps
July 2021 Partner Letter

July 2021 Partner Letter

 A few days ago, I picked up my cell phone from the charger and the battery was almost dead. What a revolting development after charging all night! I immediately thought, “Oh no, my phone is going bad or I will have to have the battery replaced.” As I prayed in the Spirit getting ready for my day, my attention was drawn to the charging wire.
  • Annette Capps
June 2021 Partner Letter

June 2021 Partner Letter

We may think that our source of supply is our job — our paycheck. Or, you may think it is your social security check, unemployment check, disability check or other state government or US government programs. But guess what? Those are limited supplies. Our jobs, businesses or government checks are not our true source of supply.
  • Annette Capps