Concepts of Faith is on VICTORY Tuesdays at 7:00am (Central) -- TCT Tuesdays at 10:30am (Central) -- Daystar at 10:00am (Central) Thursdays

Letters from Annette

September Partner Letter

September Partner Letter

What do you need today? Do you need peace? Do you need a loved one saved? Your bills paid?

Whatever you need, He has already provided for it. Too many times we think that we have to talk God into something when in reality His hand is outstretched trying to give it to us while we are struggling and trying to meet our own needs and problems. 

  • Annette Capps
August Partner Letter

August Partner Letter

I define prayer as simply “talking to God.” Depending on what church you were raised in (or if you were even raised in church) you may have been taught that prayer was always a formal request before Almighty God who is to be feared. Regardless of our concept of prayer, having a conversation with God by speaking with Him is a powerful way to start a day, end a day, or present a difficult life situation to the One who has the power to help change it.
  • Annette Capps
Confessions for ALL Immune Systems

Confessions for ALL Immune Systems

My immune system functions perfectly in the way God created it to function. It is fully developed and balanced. Wisdom is imparted to my immune system today to reject all pathogens and accept all that is good. 
  • Annette Capps
  • Tags: Healing
July Partner Letter

July Partner Letter

“You give life to whatever you speak.” “Your words constantly create life and peace or death and destruction.” It makes you want to keep your mouth shut, doesn’t it? At least until you have thought about what you are about to say!
  • Annette Capps